ALHAMDULILLAH....HASBUNALLAH WA NI'MAL WAKIL...Selesai sudah PRU 13 yg ditunggu. Alhamdulillah masih dikurniakan kesempatan oleh Allah utk mengundi bagi kali yang ke-3 the most bittersweet one if i might say so myself. Walaupun masih dlm perjalan dari KT dan Kluang sehingga hari Sabtu (04.05.2013) tetapi masih diizinkan Allah untuk mengundi. Tetapi ttp bersyukur kerana Allah SWT masih memberikan ruang dan peluang untuk mengekalkan 3 negeri di bawah PR. Yang lain nampaknya belum tibe masa walaupun sudah cukup bersedia ke arah itu. In sha Allah masanya akan tiba...
its a good weekend coz everybody yg mengundi di Sg Ramal dapat berkumpul pada hari sabtu utk mengundi pada hari ahad. So on the polling day itself 05.05.2013, all of us seawal jam 8.30pg (tokki of course dah mendahului) bergerak ke tpt mengundi kami di SRA Sungai Ramal Dalam...to our surprise...ramainya orang...so much different fr 2008!! first mengundi menggunakan dakwat kekal, first time q utk semua saluran sampai 2,3 line...mmg meriah!!!!
Untill 5pm everything runs smoothly petugas parti gigih mengawal pusat mengundi sehingga tempoh tamat, Alhamdulillah tiada incident bangla or blackout or recount sperti di DUN dan Parlimen yang lain. Come 8pm rumah dah jadi mcm bilik gerakan, dengan keputusan di TV, laptop sebelah, Whatapps, FB dan mcm2 lagi social media...indeed its a new day, its a new time for all. Totally different from PRU 08, its a different kind of Tsunami. Sangat mendebarkan but we kinda knew when the mainstream media didnt announce Selangor was once again led by PR. Kelantan of course goes without question to PAS, same goes to penang. Itu lah yang aku doa pun, kekal tiga ni yg lain kalau dapat adalah bonus which we did...Subhanallah, Allhamdulillah Allahuakbar. All in all PR gain momentum in several DUNS 230 as well as Parliamentary 89 seating . This is what we aiming for, to be a better n effective n proactive opposition n never to win. Untill 2.30 am still selangor was not announced but hey we still won anounce or not so Alhamdulillah...Its a BIG Moral Victory to us all.
Despite everything that happened DUN N.26 Bangi dan Serdang won by PAS n DAP Respectively. now its the time to starts the motion. Congrats to all winners as well as winner (at the first counting) coz u r all winners for rakyat it doesnt matter if u lost because to rakyat u already win. So no worries...
so tomorrow work as usualllll!!!! arrrggggghhhhhh!!!!