On the last day of July...

Hey...what do you know...another month just passed again, but yet here we are...last 2 days there was this controversial email addressed to my department, although i don't give it much thought (because i don't even have time to contemplate on that!? as much la) but we managed to sail on doing what we do best...our job in the best of our ability because as i said before it's the only way to deal with it...But my superiors is greatly affected by it, and although i don't like them so much...i do pity them...
as at the home front, Cicim finally decided to make an apperances at her convo on 18th July, so did baba...n the rest of the clan...n so did my best friend who decided to end her singledom. I had the pleasure of attending her wedding in KK on the same day lah...So happy for u sista' cepat2 dapat anak! hahaha
enuf bout that...on a lighter note, last saturday 26th of July is ambah's real birthday...so to commomerate the happy occasion, sopi decided to go deep-sea fishing with my new car mind you! n come back with huge Jenahak n Ikan merah...Along decided to go kulim, again with my car, awang n Co. decided to stay at Klang so us (me, cicim, opot Koknie n co) decided to a give a 64th birthday bash for ambah...so we did a cook out of Jenahak Steam Limau, Sup Ikan Merah dan Jenahak Goreng....awesome! n a tiny, weeny, portion of carrot cake courtesy of Opot...duh...
Because of too much excitement, i guess...nobody couldn't be bother to take any pictures as
usual...hmmmph...i thought i was busy with all the cooking....!
By this weekend i'll be in Cameron Highland attending this kursus...it's been ages since i've been to cameron...so quite looking forward for it actually, but suddenly i have to go to this taklimat on tuesday where i can only came back on wednesday...see, life start to get crazy again....let's see what happen in my next post....still have yet to figure out,as how to arrange the picture like everybody. Help!