What happened in May 09?

Sampai di UiTM on saturday morning around 9.30, i really had this maaaajor flashback way back when to the first day i registered for matriculation, mcm baru bulan lepas je benda tu berlaku...went there with ambah n tukki of course, waited for hours for the whole process and quite surpised at the efficiency of UiTM punya registration process so quick n easy...Well done...now is adik's turn, this is the 1st time she was separated from k.ipah n the emotion was quite high i tell u, i can so totally understand being away from your family to study with the hope everything will be over soon, but what can i say now it's being working adult is SO not fun!
Balik from merbok make a quick stop to sg. seluang, pass through al-Ridzuaniah another one of my alma mater and stopped at kamunting umah Abg Mat another god family of mine, the one who've been practically raising us when we're pre-teenagers..thanks a bunch...Owh lest i forgot, would like to graciously thank Ambah Yop Keje, for the fabulous transport sponsorship i.e Toyota Altis 1.8, WRL 6028. Thanks a bunch....
At personal level 2 of my dearest friend ended their solo life n another one tomorrow...what's to become of me? well i had a new excitement in my life rite now... my new polished alabaster silver IVtec WSQ 254 at last....so feel free to checkout pictures...ti'll next time...
woo hoo..to-tally awesome!!!