Let see, what's been happening for the 1st few weeks of 09, plenty i might say.... for the 1st day of 09, went to Bagan Lalang with Iela, Kelin and Cicim for a seafood extravaganza...yes t'was one of my best new years ever...I've been to Manjung and back, been to Penang and back...all by myself...had the best time in manjung meeting gee and k.ayu my best friends in secondary school, adelah dekat 10 tahun dah x it was worth the trip. In Penang went there 4 a three days course with my Boss! Sucks big time...but all went well lah...things at the office, is crazy as usual...trying not to let myself too crazy bout it...without much home, dad decided to make an apperance, we are trying to keep ourselves busy with the supposedly engagement function for opot...Awang has been to the much boycotted USA, for a G to G program, he's been there and back lost his bags somewhere in the 4 transits in hong kong, los angeles, san fransisco and washington, but Alhamdullilah they managed to locate the bag and will return the bag as soon as they can...So yesterday to commomerate the safety return of beburoi m.ngah and co, make a scrumptious nosh of nasi kerabu...yummy! Oh, before i forgot, i managed to upgrade my phone, to something so much better...thanks to my newly approved credit card! its' a rip off happy with it!, I have to work tomorrow because the 5 days off for CNY holiday is over....hmmmm...but that's life, it's sucks and then u till the next post!