Happy as a clam!

Managed to get myself 2 days off, so glad i did. Yesterday my good friend fr Na came down all the way from Kemaman, Terengganu just to see me. I mean how cool is that! She stayed at this budget-no-tv Tune Hotel in Jln TAR. ( I still cannot accept the fact that it has no tv) Thanks to Wan, another good friend. So off we went to Mid Valley and to Sogo, we had breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper together. It was so much fun reminiscening the good old days. Balik tu mmg mcm nk pengsan sbb dh berjalan satu K.L, tp mmg puas hati. After almost 6 years x jumpe. Moga ade lg kesempatan nk berjumpa lepas ni.
As for my 2nd day off, pagi bangun lambat skit...hehehe, pegi beli breakfast dekat Abang Sayang and cook kerabu for lunch, and at 2.30pm went to Mines ngan koknie pegi tgk Quantum of Solace. Love Daniel Craig Forever... I heart DC...hehehe...and for lunch we discovered this new Vietnamese Restaurant by the name of Pho Hoa. It was heavenly, love it to bits. We had Summer spring roll (see picture) , and the National dish of Vietnam i.e Pho Bho (Beef Noodle Soup). Scrrrrumptious!!!. Thus, I declare Pho Hoa as our new eating place for me n my peeps.
In the evening my girlfriend Rohas came over to pick up the Terubuk Masin for her mum. She stopped for a while for tea.
So i'm quite please with myself, may it last until next week when i have to go back to my stupid dayjob. aaargh....