My Ramadhan 1429H

Yes, yes, again i'm in this blessed month yeay...Mcm busy mcm biasa...since 26-28th of august 2008 pegi kursus yang tak best tu, and in the mean time managed to squeeze my time utk pegi interview KPLI, so somebody out there, u know who u are! have to work their a## off for me. I have to be magically accepted and have to be miraculously posted in Melaka, preferebly Alai but anyway in Melaka is fine with me.

Utk 1 Ramadhan 1429H hari tu bersamaan 1 Sept 2008M (Isnin) seluruh M'sia cuti sempena Cuti Merdeka 31 Ogos 2008(ahad) and semua org ambik peluang balik kg. To those yg ade kg la. Koknie n Co. balik Muar, Awang n Co. balik KB, Baba still kt Kulim., me cicim n Opot work our creative nerves to whipped up scrumptious nosh for our first buka puasa. Of course my signature Seafood Kerabu is the talk of the town la kan...i was genius!. Lepas tu 2nd day koknie buat tomyam n hari ni tak tau nk masak ape? hmmmph...

Lepas tu traffic isn't helping lah kan...jam giller...kluar office pukul 5, sampai umah pukul 6 bole?
in usual condition it only took me about 15-20 minutes tops. i have to resort to my secret route with the hope that other people won't discover it yet...

Semlm meeting utk majlis berbuka puasa dengan Menteri, proposed date n place is 6th Sept 2008 at Kelab Sultan Sulaiman K.L. Hhmmmph let's hope we can make it this time around...


Anchaq said…
seafood priceless is that? Alai..expect miracles to happen? they might just mak tam...! I wonder why the unusual crawl going to everywhere! Mestilah the same number of people working out there but it seems that sume org decide to go out at the same time..then again I thought that memanglah sume org keluar at about the same time ari tak puasa pun? weird

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