Before the weekend

Hari ni 5 Ramadhan 1429, sekejapnye...nanti jadi 1 minggu lepas tu 2 minggu, tau2 je dah habis ramadhan...lepas tu raya, and things will get to the bloody normal routine...So, tomorrow ade iftar ngan Menteri as i mentioned earlier, hari ni ade Iftar Kementerian which i couldn't care less lah kan...late this afternoon awang call, tanya pasal that carwash thing? hmmmph...what to say...i pity him.

so sehingga sekarang at 4.45pm masih clueless of what to have for buka puase, so wish us luck!


Anchaq said…
about the clock thingy...we'll have to sit down for's not that tricky...but I can't explain it here in there

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